David E. Guggenheim Environmental Consulting
Dr. David E. Guggenheim Environmental Consulting: Dr. Guggenheim has served as an environmental consultant and adviser throughout his career, providing his expertise and leadership to nonprofit organizations, industry, governmental agencies and academic institutions. His environmental consulting work has included:
- Building and leading coalitions (e.g., Everglades Coalition; Gulf of Mexico Alliance; Trinational Initiative for Research and Conservation in the Gulf of Mexico and Western Caribbean.)
- Leading complex research projects and authoring reports and papers (e.g., a decade of research expeditions in Cuba’s Gulf of Mexico; climate offset opportunities for California electric power generators.)
- Advocacy, including local, regional, federal (Congress) and international bodies (e.g., Scottish Parliament)
- Public speaking, including keynote speaker at numerous events; speeches to hundreds of schools throughout the U.S.
- Media spokesperson (e.g., 60 Minutes, MSNBC, NPR, Good Morning America, PBS Newshour, PBS Nature series, etc.)
- Formal and informal education (Guggenheim is an Adjunct Professor at Johns Hopkins University-Advanced Academic Programs specializing in Ocean Stewardship and Conservation.
- Scientific adviser for marine research projects
- Management adviser
- Leading and conducting field research, including data collection as a submersible pilot, scuba diver, boat captain
- Author of numerous articles and the book “The Remarkable Reefs of Cuba: Hopeful Stories from the Ocean Doctor.”
He is dedicated to advancing the complex challenges of protecting and sustaining the marine environment and the health of its wildlife through strong, visionary nonprofit leadership, science-based advocacy and effective public education programs that reach beyond traditional audiences and constituencies.
In addition to Guggenheim’s environmental consulting work, Dr. Guggenheim is an accomplished media spokesperson and environmental speaker to governments, industry, schools and colleges, etc.
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